Like Prufrock I am growing old
I long for heat and feel the cold
Cold that inches closer and invades my very soul
I sometimes stop and then reflect
On goals accomplished and those I neglect
As I pummel forward into the yet unknown
I see the children that I’ve created
And my children’s children
As I start to feel dated
I ruminate about how
in life
I have often fallen short and yet still grown
Life is a puzzle with a few pieces missing
It’s romance and flowers and tender kissing
As well as stress that multiplies each passing day
But the lines that I pen
Reflect my ruminations
About the human condition
And life’s expectations
So I guess in a way words are the legacy I leave
But while there’s time left I will sit in my chair
With the screen door open breathing in the fresh air
Contemplating the yet to be.
Time can seem a foe but she’s really a friend
Each day we live is indeed a godsend
An opportunity to love, learn, and pray