Member-only story
Sugar and Caffeine
You are sugar
and caffeine to me.
You pick me up
and get me going,
But I feel almost sinful
When I indulge
my appetite.
Too much of you can
Keep me up for days,
But when I Crash-
And I always crash-
It takes me too long
To purge you
from my system.
And the purge
Is always painful.
even if I’m set
On healthful abstinence,
I find myself craving you
At the oddest most
Importune moments,
And once that seed
Of insatiable need,
Of craving and desire,
is planted in my brain-
Once my mind
Becomes fixated
On blissful indulgence-
I find you.
I devour you
Like a starving person
Who suddenly realizes
All the pleasure
She has been missing.
just like that
I’m hooked-again-
I’m addicted-again-
Once more
I recklessly consume you
Because ,alas, as fate
would have it,
You are still sugar
and Caffeine to me.